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Breakfast To Go Packs

One delicious snack mix that you can make at home is a combination of cereal, pretzels, nuts, and fruit. To add some sweetness to your mix, you can add some chocolate chips or M&Ms. This snack mix is not only easy to make but also provides a variety of textures and flavors that will satisfy your cravings.
Serving Size 18


  • Here are the various goodies I used for my “homemade” breakfast snack packs and since I was trying to get lots of protein in each serving, I chose more protein rich cereals.
  • You could use any of your favorite nuts granola, cereal, raisins etc…
  • 1 cup Honey Nut Chex cereal
  • 1 cup Cinnamon Almond Cheerios Protein
  • 1 cup Kelloggs Cracklin’ Oat Bran
  • 1 Cup Nature Valley Peanut Butter Granola Protein
  • 1 cup mixed nuts
  • 1/4 cup raisins
  • 1/2 cup vanilla yogurt covered raisins
  • Tip: I have made this once with the addition of dried apple slices and within one day the cereal in the bags were soft. When I made it without the dried apple slices, the cereal stayed nice and crisp. So raisins seem to be the dried fruit that works the best, at least in my experience.


  • I measured everything out in a large bowl, and gave it a good stir to mix up everything.
  • I measured it out in 1/3 cup serving sizes.
  • I stored them in a sealed 14 cup size rubbermaid container.