Do you find it challenging to get in your recommended daily requirement of fruits and veggies EVERY. SINGLE. DAY.?  I know I sure do!  There’s a lot of days I’m longing for a personal chef to chop up healthy fruits and vegetables, and serve me delicious colorful salads for lunch and dinner.  Ha, probably not in this lifetime!

Well, I’ve found a pretty quick and delicious way to get in 2-3 servings of antioxidant rich fruits.  🙂

, 3 Berry Fruit Smoothie, Joyful Homemaking

This 3 Berry Fruit Smoothie is one of the easiest breakfasts (or snacks) to make!

, 3 Berry Fruit Smoothie, Joyful Homemaking

The preparation is super fast because I start with a frozen fruit mixture of 3 berries: blueberries, blackberries and raspberries.

, 3 Berry Fruit Smoothie, Joyful Homemaking

For about a 16 ounce glass size smoothie, I use 3/4 cup of berries, and almost equal that amount of rice milk or almond milk.  You can use whatever milk is your favorite.

, 3 Berry Fruit Smoothie, Joyful Homemaking

I put the frozen berries in the blender, and add the milk a little at a time to see how much I need for a drinkable consistency. Now I usually don’t add sweetener to mine, because I like it a bit tart, but you can add a tablespoon of honey if you prefer yours sweeter (just remember your littles can’t have honey).

, 3 Berry Fruit Smoothie, Joyful Homemaking

For a natural sweetener, you could also add half of a ripe, chopped up frozen banana (you may need to add a bit more milk).

, 3 Berry Fruit Smoothie, Joyful Homemaking

3 Berry Fruit Smoothie

One easy way to get in more fruits and veggies is to make smoothies. You can blend together a variety of fruits like berries, bananas, and mangoes, and add in some leafy greens like spinach or kale. You can also add in some protein powder or nut butter to make it more filling.
Serving Size 16 ounces


  • 3/4 cup of frozen blueberries, blackberries and raspberries
  • 3/4 cup of milk of your choice
  • Optional: 1/2 frozen banana OR 1 Tablespoon honey


  • Add berries to blender.
  • Pour in milk a little at a time, and pulse blender till desired consistency.

, 3 Berry Fruit Smoothie, Joyful Homemaking

Isn’t that so easy!? Give it a try and let me know what you think!  🙂

One Comment

  1. I eat a lot of veggies, but fruits? Not so much. And my youngest won’t voluntarily touch ANYTHING originating from a plant. So, lots of subterfuge is required to get him to consume vegetable and fruit matter. Smoothies like this are just perfect, and the gorgeous color makes these a feast for the eyes as well!

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