Thanksgiving is next week, and sometimes it’s too easy to get caught up in all the preparations for a delicious meal and for having family and friends over, and we forget to slow down, and take time to reflect and be grateful for the many blessings we have been given by God.

This year, I have so much to be thankful for…

A God Who will never leave me and always Loves me
A loving and Godly spouse
Healthy children
Freedom to worship as I choose
A warm and comfortable home
Clean water and plenty of food
Family that love me and forgive me
And so much more…

To help me remember an “attitude of gratitude,”  I created a pretty Thanksgiving printable to decorate one of my kitchen counters, and it’s free for you to print too!

, Free Thanksgiving Printable, Joyful Homemaking

Just click on the link or image to take you to a PDF to print.  If you frame it in an 8 x 10 frame like I did, you’ll have to trim 1/4 inch off of the sides and 1/2 inch off the top and bottom.

, Free Thanksgiving Printable, Joyful Homemaking

To make a beautiful little vignette, just add a pretty runner or place mat, and some colorful flowers or candles.

I feel so honored and thankful for those of you who choose to spend your valuable time reading my blog, and I hope and pray that it will be as much of an encouragement and blessing to you as you are to me!

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