Play Dough is a childhood staple that sparks creativity and imagination, and on top of that, it’s a cinch to make at home!

, Frosting Play Dough, Joyful HomemakingWe’ve gone through A LOT of play dough over the years with my three kids, and I’ve blogged about a couple of edible play dough recipes that my kids have enjoyed, and my two youngest still like for me to make!

, Frosting Play Dough, Joyful Homemaking

This Edible Chocolate Play Dough is made with chocolate frosting, peanut butter and powdered sugar, so even though I don’t recommend eating a lot of it, it is deliciously edible!

, Frosting Play Dough, Joyful HomemakingThis Peanut Butter Play Dough is almost healthy, with the addition of instant fat-free powdered milk to peanut butter and honey.

I absolutely couldn’t resist trying this Ice-Cream Play Dough recipe, because it is made from frosting, and is so pretty!

, Frosting Play Dough, Joyful Homemaking

What you need:

1 cup of white store bought frosting
2 3/4 cups powdered sugar
Several drops of liquid food coloring

(If you find colored frosting, you can skip the food coloring).

Begin combining the frosting with the powdered sugar, a little at a time in your mixing bowl, preferably with a dough hook. Don’t pour all the powdered sugar in at one time though, add it a little at a time, till you get a good consistency, that isn’t either too wet, or too crumbly, adjusting the powdered sugar as necessary.

Then divide the dough into however many colors you would like, and add a few drops of food coloring to each batch, and work it through till the color is evenly distributed.  Putting each color in a ziploc baggie while working the color through, makes this easier and cleaner to do!

, Frosting Play Dough, Joyful HomemakingPick out your cookie cutters and have fun! At the Smart School House, they used the play dough to make gorgeous pretend ice-cream cones!
She also says, if it gets too dry, just add a few drops of olive oil, and work it through the dough.
, Frosting Play Dough, Joyful Homemaking

Here’s my tip: Wash out your frosting container, and then use it to store the play dough in the refrigerator to use again!

recipe from Smart School House

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