Water stains around a faucet from mineral deposits can be so ugly. I grew up with well water, but ever since I’ve been married (22+ years) we have had city water, and no water softener. The problem is that I get water stains/mineral deposits around my faucets, and it makes them look dirty, and they seem almost impossible to get off. If we all dried off around the faucets whenever we use the sink, we may not have this problem, but REALLY that’s not happening.

, Mineral Deposits, Joyful Homemaking

I’ve tried multiple types of cleaners on these marks and they seem impenetrable.

, Mineral Deposits, Joyful Homemaking

This rock hard film around the faucet is what I fight with. It’s annoying, and my sinks are not very attractive anyway, so I needed to do what I can to at least make them clean. So when I saw this idea  at The Thrifty Home, I gave it a try.

Here is what you do:
Soak a couple of paper towels in white vinegar
and wrap them around your faucet.

, Mineral Deposits, Joyful Homemaking

Every hour or so I checked on the situation, scrubbed a little and added some more vinegar. It took several hours and several scrubbings to get it all off,
but I DID!

, Mineral Deposits, Joyful Homemaking


, Mineral Deposits, Joyful Homemaking


, Mineral Deposits, Joyful Homemaking


, Mineral Deposits, Joyful Homemaking

My sink looks so much better now,
and I am excited to do this to all the sinks in my home.
The vinegar smell is strong, so keep some ventilation going whether a fan or open window,
and keep little ones away from the sink while you’re doing this. I am thrilled with the results,
and keep going back to peek at how nice it looks now!


  1. Awesome! We have well water and the house was not kept up so the mineral deposits are horrific. I’m embarrassed for folks to see my bathtub etc. I’m going to give this a shot. I LOVE that it’s a natural product too. Thanks for sharing!

    Please feel free to stop by: Trailing After God

  2. Nice! I just used a solution I found on the internet in my shower. 1/2 c white vinegar–hot (not so hot you can’t handle it without oven mitts though!) and 1/2 c original Dawn. Spray on and leave for 1/2 hour and wipe off. Did a miracle on my glass shower door! I can actually see through it now! 🙂

  3. Ha! As I started to read your post/plight I thought “Oooh must e-mail and tell her about vinegar” and then I scrolled down hahaha! Well you found it! In the UK we always use vinegar for this, and shower heads…every so often we add some with water to the kettle and boil, gets rid of all the limescale/calcium etc. around the element (just remember to boil it with plain water a few times before you make tea!) Brew Stations too, same thing!

    I always use vinegar in the water to wash the windows too, then polish them up with kitchen towel or a lint free cloth. In the old days our grannies would use newspaper but now the newsprint is different, and so is the paper, and it doesn’t work. But kitchen towel does the job and you’ll get lovely streak free windows!

  4. Thanks for the great tip, Margo! I was popping over to your site to feature your post on cleaning the shower door with the dryer sheet, and I happened to see that you had just posted this. So, I featured you twice! 🙂 http://www.organizinghomelife.com/archives/2581 I can’t wait to try this – I have super hard water and always have a terrible time getting those deposits off.

  5. that is great tip and I am going to try it.
    Our plumber told us our city water has a lot of lime in it (whatever that is) and he also said it is what the EPA requires. All i know is leaves a mess both inside and outside where water is.

    thanks for the tip

  6. Margo, wonderful tip! It seems there is nothing white vinegar can’t help with. Deep well here, too, so the problem is non stop. Giving this a shot.

  7. Thanks for this great info — white vinegar seems to be the cure-all for just about everything!

  8. THANK YOU! I have the same problem and have tried lots of different things on them – with mixed success… I’ll have to give this a go! (And it’s so simple to remember!) 🙂

  9. Awesome tip! Thank you so much for sharing! I would love it if you would come share it at my Link Party!

  10. Hey Margo! Missed you at my place on Wednesday! Love this idea! Would love for you to link this up tomorrow? Hope you’re doing well!

  11. Wow! Vinegar seems to be the ‘new’ cure for every housekeeping woe… here is, yet again, another example! Thanks for the tip!

    I found you on ABFoL link party. Thanks for sharing!

  12. I was just scrubbing my faucet yesterday…wondering how to get it clean. Thank you for the tip. Can’t wait to try it tomorrow!

    Thank you,

  13. We have the exact same problem! I’ll definitely try this. WE don’t keep paper towels. It would probably work with a rag soaked in vinegar, right? Thank you!

  14. I’m trying this tomorrow!! I am a clean freak, and not being able to get rid of those ugly scaly things drive me nuts. Thanks for the tip, I love using vinegar as a window and glass cleaner, I recently read (and tried it) that you can use it on your hair to remove build up as well, leaves your hair much shinier too!

  15. This is such a fabulous tip! Thanks so much for sharing with us! We hope that you will join us next week!

    Take care,


  16. Just featured on Facebook! Thanks so much for linking up at my place! 🙂
    One Chatty Chic

  17. We don’t have well water so I can’t use that excuse but I’m still glad to learn this tip. Will definitely be trying it the next time I’m cleaning the bathroom.

  18. Oh this is wonderful! I have the same problem in my showers so I’ll have to try this. Saw you on HOH. Thanks for the great tip!

  19. Hello there, My friend pinned your tip on Pinterest and I wanted to give you my tip that might help even more. If you use clean toilet paper instead of paper towels around the faucet, you can get more vinegar into the cracks of gunk. Thanks for your blog and tips. I’ll be following you from now on.

  20. Here’s a couple other ideas:

    As a professional “Domestic Goddess” (my company name) for more than 40 years, cleaning windows, shower doors, chrome, and mirrors is best and quickest done, DRY. Use 4-aught 0000 steel wool. It’s fine enough not to scratch, and the “dust” can simply be wiped or vacuumed up afterward. No chemicals, no scrubbing, no odors. I haven’t used a WET method of cleaning glass and a HOST of other surfaces in YEARS! I’ll never go back to wet!

    You’ll also find that if you use the white vinegar AND add baking soda to it, to the mineral deposit areas around sinks, tubs, etc, it will work faster. Those deposits can also be removed by (carefully) using a razor blade. I’ve had many years to get good at this method, so I can avoid any scratching of the surfaces.

    Happy Cleaning! ~:0)

  21. Do you know of a treatment to prevent the lime buildup? I wonder if something like marine wax would help…

  22. If you wax the area after you clean it and dry it you will find that it will be easier to clean in the future. That goes for the sides of your bathtubs and shower stalls as well. Just use plain old Turtle Wax…… I know it seems crazy but it works. make sure not to get it on the bottom of your tub or shower stall because it will make it slippery, just wax the sides. The shower doors can be wiped down with lemon oil to prevent lime and soap scum build up. If you do these things after you get them clean you won’t have to struggle to keep them clean. Just remember to reapply every few months.

  23. I have the same problem so I went out and bought Lime A Way.I haven’t tried it yet,I’m afraid of what it could do to my faucets,glad I found this I will try this first.

  24. I used this old tried-and-true method on my expensive kitchen faucet, which was getting a mineral build-up around the opening where the water flows out.

    Wrapping it with paper towels soaked in vinegar caused the vinegar to eat the finish off. It wrecked the nice brushed-pewter look (was supposed to be stainless) and of course, after I was laid off my job I never was able to replace the fixture. So now I get to live with it.

    Recommend using Lime-Away. And follow the instructions.

  25. Thank u I am relieved that u helped confirm that what I have is not mold around the fixture–will try vinegar 🙂

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