You know, I cook and bake a lot, and it’s inevitable that at times the smoke alarm goes off, or I add stuff to my mixing bowl with the mixer on too quickly, and ingredients fling around the kitchen, or I drop an open bottle of sprinkles, or… well, you know how that is, right? RIGHT???? 😳   Well, the other day, after boiling a pot of pasta and draining it, I got out some garlic toast which was in a plastic bag, forgot that I had a hot burner on the front of the stove, and set the garlic toast right on it.  Of course, I quickly smelled it melting and grabbed it up off the burner, but the damage was done.
I tried to scrape the melted plastic off quickly, but it wasn’t coming up, and I was risking burning my fingers.

melted plastic, glass stovetop, How to Get Melted Plastic Off of a Glass Stovetop, Joyful HomemakingSo I let it cool, and went on with dinner, and since we had company, I actually let it sit till the next day.

melted plastic, glass stovetop, How to Get Melted Plastic Off of a Glass Stovetop, Joyful HomemakingSince “Google-ing” solutions seems to be my first choice for a lot of problems, I looked around online, and did find some ideas on how to remove it, but some methods seemed too complicated, and I must say, even a bit dangerous.

melted plastic, glass stovetop, How to Get Melted Plastic Off of a Glass Stovetop, Joyful HomemakingSo I went with my tried and true method of using baking soda to scrub my stove top.

melted plastic, glass stovetop, How to Get Melted Plastic Off of a Glass Stovetop, Joyful HomemakingI mostly used my scrub sponge, similar to the ones I found on Amazon, and dish scraper, along with a generous amount of baking soda and warm (not hot) water.  I tried to be gentle at first to make sure it wouldn’t scratch my stove, and since I wasn’t seeing any issues, kept scrubbing.  As it started coming loose, I could even grab an edge, and almost pull it off in some areas.

melted plastic, glass stovetop, How to Get Melted Plastic Off of a Glass Stovetop, Joyful HomemakingAfter working on it for a couple of minutes, and cleaning all the baking soda and plastic residue off, my stove looked brand new!
melted plastic, glass stovetop, How to Get Melted Plastic Off of a Glass Stovetop, Joyful HomemakingNow if you use this method, which worked beautifully for me, make sure to start out delicately to make sure your sponge/scraper isn’t scratching your stove.  I had no issues, and was so impressed at how every last piece came off just beautifully!

melted plastic, glass stovetop, How to Get Melted Plastic Off of a Glass Stovetop, Joyful HomemakingKeep in mind too, that this was a plastic bag that had melted and not a bowl.  That would probably be a more tricky removal process!  Next time I set a plastic container on the stove, I’ll let you know!  😀

For some other helpful cleaning tips, be sure to check out my Cleaning Tab,

melted plastic, glass stovetop, How to Get Melted Plastic Off of a Glass Stovetop, Joyful Homemaking

or this post with tips on Cleaning Appliances!


One Comment

  1. This is exactly what happened to me today making my son’s lunch early in the am. Barely put the bread bag on it and whipped it up just as fast. Thank you!

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