Kitchens function so much more efficiently with lots of storage and organization.

, Kitchen Cabinet Help, Joyful HomemakingBut no matter how much or how little storage you have, there are lots of things you can do to make it work more efficiently.  Even so, I have to admit, at least for myself, that it’s a constant work in progress to keep things tidy. I’ve shown you the different spaces in my kitchen I have organized before, and I must say, it’s a good thing I have proof  I mean pictures, because my tupperware cabinet and pantry at the moment need help! For a peek at some of my past kitchen organizing posts, click on the links or photos below.

, Kitchen Cabinet Help, Joyful Homemaking

The Pantry

, Kitchen Cabinet Help, Joyful HomemakingKitchen Medicine Cabinet

The insides of kitchen cabinet doors can be a valuable resource.  Saving 4 Six painted the insides of hers with chalkboard paint to keep her menu and grocery list for the week on it, which is a fabulous idea!

, Kitchen Cabinet Help, Joyful Homemaking

I’ve seen others use the space for:
A paper towel holder
Spice racks
Magnetic board
Pocket caddy with supplies
Pegboard with supplies
And also, the way I used mine:

, Kitchen Cabinet Help, Joyful Homemaking

This is what the door to my baking supply cabinet looked like before…

, Kitchen Cabinet Help, Joyful Homemaking

Then I bought some cork tiles and secured them to the inside.

, Kitchen Cabinet Help, Joyful Homemaking

This way I can use it to hold my current recipe or kitchen conversions, or whatever I need to keep handy…
I only did the bottom portion because that’s as high as I can reach without a step stool!

, Kitchen Cabinet Help, Joyful Homemaking

Hope this gives you some ideas on how to utilize your kitchen space!


  1. Looks great. Love the cork board idea.
    I find I need to reorganize and de-clutter my kitchen almost monthly!!
    My husband will be visiting his parents next month, and I have a long list of “to dos” during that time. I’m putting it off, but it’s inevitable!

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