Happy Monday everyone! I am looking forward to getting lots accomplished this week as I have a long “to do” list. So to make my week run more smoothly, I have a meal plan.  I am also going to make a real effort to match my coupons with sales this week to stock up on some necessities. This summer has been so busy, I haven’t used my coupons as much, and I really miss having a few extras of things on hand.
Ok, here is my plan:

Breakfast Options: (Any combination of the following)
French toast
Egg whites and spinach (hubby’s choice)

Lunch Options:
(We like to add fruit and/or carrots to any of these “entrees”)
Pasta  (My kids love it)
Macaroni and cheese
Vegetarian corn dogs
Vegetarian hamburgers
Hot dogs
Chicken,  turkey or ham sandwiches
Graham crackers and milk
English muffins
Peanut butter and fluff sandwiches
Whole wheat toast
Yogurt or cheese sticks, crackers
Leftovers from dinner


, Menu Plan for the Week of August 15th, Joyful Homemaking

Pasta and meatballs, salad and garlic toast

, Menu Plan for the Week of August 15th, Joyful Homemaking

Taco Soup and….

, Menu Plan for the Week of August 15th, Joyful Homemaking

Hush puppies

, Menu Plan for the Week of August 15th, Joyful Homemaking

Baked Chicken Chimichangas (These are so good!)

, Menu Plan for the Week of August 15th, Joyful Homemaking

Pizza and raw vegetables

, Menu Plan for the Week of August 15th, Joyful Homemaking

Eggs and fixings

, Menu Plan for the Week of August 15th, Joyful Homemaking

Penne, tomato and mozzarella salad 

This all looks so good, I am ready to get cooking!
Hope you have a great week!

Blessings, Margo


  1. Oh wow you menu plan looks delicious!!! I love taco soup as well, it just too dang hot here, ugh….. Off to check out the baked chimichangas, yum!

  2. i love having breakfast for dinner! easy and frugal
    i know the week is almost over but it takes me a while to get through most of the menu plans:)
    i’d love if you stopped by my new blog and checked out my Menu Plan
    Cooking with Cristin

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