This post brought to you by Miracle-Gro. All opinions are 100% mine.

I’m finally starting to see some actual signs of Spring around here, although as recent as last week, we had snow on the ground. I have daffodils up and in bloom, and tulips peeking through the ground, and if the bunnies will leave them alone, they might make it. I didn’t plant the tulips originally, the elderly couple who owned our house before us did, and I have been thankful for their love of flowers many times as I’ve enjoyed the beauty of their landscaping., Planting Plans, Joyful Homemaking

, Planting Plans, Joyful Homemaking

, Planting Plans, Joyful Homemaking

I have tended to do most of my decorating on the inside of my home instead of the outside, but my brother and sister, and mom and dad all have very gifted green thumbs, and they inspire me to create beauty on the outside of my home as well. Greenery and gorgeous flowers bring delight and peace, and I want to cultivate that around my home.

Gro Something Greater

, Planting Plans, Joyful Homemaking

I love this Flowering Crabapple tree in front of our house. I just wish the blooms lasted longer!

, Planting Plans, Joyful Homemaking

Last year we dug up a regular green apple tree that was planted too close to the garage, because I was worried the roots would mess up the foundation. So that means, this year we have a whole flower bed to plan and plant. I hope to gain some inspiration from the Miracle Grow website!

, Planting Plans, Joyful Homemaking

My hubby got me started by surprising me with some beautiful Lilacs which I’ll plant with Miracle-Gro soil to give them a good start, since it’s already helped my bluebery bushes survive a rough start.  If you have any good gardening tips or ideas for my blank space, I’d love to hear them, or if you have a personal growing story, be sure to share it at!




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