I have started using my Christmas cards, from friends and family, to decorate my mantle during the Christmas season.

This mounting putty is one of my favorite things to always have on hand, and it is what I use to temporarily attach my cards to the mantle.

As I receive more, I can easily move them around to accommodate and center them.
It works for me!

I love this! It’s so classic and organized! I always save Christmas cards because I’m extremely sentimental (some people call it greeting card hoarding.. but it’s not hoarding if it all fits into one shoebox!) and never know what to do with them. I’ll definitely have to do this!! Thanks for sharing!
I learned this from an older couple at our church. We keep our Christmas cards and put them in a box. Then starting in January we pull one or two out a week and pray for that family. It’s one of my favorite new traditions.
That is an awesome idea!
I have that wonderful invention in my drawer, too! It’s amazing! Great idea!!