Do you have trouble keeping track of all the birthdays and anniversaries in your family?  I know I do, and since I don’t have an iPhone to remind me, I need help.  I keep this printable filled out with everyone’s birthdays, and have it attached to the side of my refrigerator with magnets.
It has been an immeasurable help!  It’s one less thing (or actually a whole bunch of things), that I don’t have to try and remember in my older, mom-befuddled brain!  😛

, Birthdays and Anniversary Printable, Joyful Homemaking

So print one out, fill it out, and post it where you can easily see it to remind you to spread love to your loved ones on their special occasions!

Click on the printable or link to print.

, Birthdays and Anniversary Printable, Joyful HomemakingBirthdays and Anniversary Printable

 Another good idea is to have on hand a selection of beautiful or funny cards, so you’re prepared for all those occasions!

, Birthdays and Anniversary Printable, Joyful HomemakingBe sure to check out this post too!  🙂





  1. By far the best printables I have seen yet on Pinterest. I appreciate the work you have put into these thank you!

    1. You’re so welcome! I keep the birthday one filled out and on my refrigerator so I don’t forget anyone’s birthday!

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