I read a lot about attitude.  I guess because my personality tends to lean toward melancholy, even though I fight it, hard.  I’ve always tended to be a “worry-wart,” and in my past, I’ve striven for perfection in lots of areas, which made my life unnecessarily harder.  My faith is the only thing that has, and still keeps me grounded, when life and my emotions are floundering all over the place.
Besides my reading and memorizing of Scripture verses that apply to my attitudes and fears, I’ve always been a really big reader.  Over the years, I’ve found several books that I tend to read over and over, that help to keep my mind on track, which in turn keeps negative emotions from overwhelming me.
The first book I always recommend, and reread myself when I’m struggling with getting “down and out” is:  Loving God with All Your Mind by Elizabeth George.  She gives actionable steps to take, when you feel yourself getting consumed with worry, and specific Scripture verses to focus on, when your mind and emotions are spinning and spiraling down.

None of my words or suggestions are meant to be a substitute for professional help, which at times I’ve needed as well.  I’m only sharing what books and actions have tremendously helped me along the way, and my hope and prayer is that they may be of help to you as well.

This printable I’ve created is more of a light-hearted reminder to refocus our thoughts and attitudes, when maybe by force of habit, they tend to go straight to the negative side of things.  Humor has been another tool in the arsenal of my mind/attitude battles.   I’m kind of known in my family for my sense of humor.  I love to laugh, and I try to see the humor in a lot of situations. (Although, I’m certainly not suggesting that humor is always the best response in every situation).  Many weeks on Friday, I send out a bunch of  “Friday Funnies” which are humorous memes I’ve collected and downloaded over the week, to my family members.  I love making them laugh, and it usually starts an interaction between all of us, many of whom I don’t get to see very often.

help for anxiety and depression, How to Lift Your Spirits and a Free Printable, Joyful Homemaking

Optimist Artwork Printable

Some other books that have been helpful to me, and I like to encourage others to read are:   The Power of Positive Thinking by Norman Vincent Peale, and  Choosing to See:  A Journey of Struggle and Hope by Mary Beth Chapman.  Mary Beth Chapman lost a daughter when her teenage son accidentally hit her with his vehicle, when the little girl ran out in front of him.  Her husband is a well known Christian singer/songwriter, and after this tremendous loss, she wrote this book.  You will cry and laugh, and sometimes both at the same time, but it is such a worth while read.

help for anxiety and depression, How to Lift Your Spirits and a Free Printable, Joyful Homemaking

The book I’ve currently been re-reading is by Barbara Johnson called Splashes of Joy in the Cesspools of Life.  Let me tell you, this lady has been through a lot, and yet she still strove to help and encourage others when she was alive.  Not only did she lose her father as a young girl, but she also lost two of her adult sons, but her faith and humor helped her survive and thrive.  She remained an amazingly positive person, who was always reaching out to help others.  If you find yourself in need of a “pick me up,” I highly recommend looking up any of her books.  Even the titles of her books are fun, and these are just a couple:  Where Does a Mother Go to Resign?  and Living Somewhere Between Estrogen and Death.

help for anxiety and depression, How to Lift Your Spirits and a Free Printable, Joyful Homemaking

The Joyful Journey by Women of Faith is another tremendously encouraging book for women.  Sometimes you just need to laugh. Life is hard, and the women that write this book have certainly had their share of trials, but they keep getting back up, and find ways to laugh, find joy, and encourage us all in our walk through this life with Christ.

help for anxiety and depression, How to Lift Your Spirits and a Free Printable, Joyful Homemaking

When I was a teenager, a popular phrase that was going around at the time was “Keep On Keeping On,” and it’s still applicable today, but you don’t have to do it alone.  Reach out to others.  Spend time filling your mind with uplifting good things.  Pray for God’s help.  Find healing in clean humor.  Don’t let your emotions control you, renew your mind with Scripture and encouraging books.  Getting our minds off ourselves for awhile is good too, reach out to others that may need help.  It’s never good to just wallow in self pity all the time.
I hope this free printable will encourage you, and the books I’ve suggested and enjoyed, even more so, since they were written by people who know, and have experienced a lot more than I have!  🙂












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  1. It’s so easy to get consumed in worry and self pity; that isn’t how God wants us to live! Thank you for the great book suggestions and for sharing your post at Blogging with Heart where I saw it. God bless you

  2. I am such a worrier and my husband loves to de-stress with humor so it’s his go-to when he can tell I’m going off the deep-end but for me I just find it irritating! I like humor when I’m in a good mood but I don’t handle it well when I’m not. But you are right, it is so important to figure out how to get out of those funks and remember God’s got your back. Thanks for the book suggestions!

    1. You are right, humor isn’t always the best way to handle every situation. Sometimes we need a much different approach to help us when we’re stressed!

  3. This offers a wonderful collection of books! I’m a reader, too, and will be looking into these! I am currently reading “Findig Victory When healing Doesnt Happen” by Randy Clark and Craig Miller. It is fantastic!!

  4. Oh my goodness, People (even my husband!) mistakenly refer to me as an optimist. I reply, “No, I’m a realist. I prepare for the most likely outcome, but I do wish for the best positive outcome!” I love that quote! Is it original to you?

  5. I was wallowing in self pity yesterday God reminded me to taker my thoughts captive. But I don’t want too I thought this is easier! IT’s great to put up reminders like this to remind us to redirect our thinking! Thank you

    1. You’re not alone. It’s such a daily battle to take all those negative thoughts captive! Prayed for you.

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