After last week’s shopping trip, in which I bought yet another loaf of bread, my hubby came back from the basement and said we already had three loaves down in our chest freezer. Now, I do like to keep extras of staples on hand, however the fact was, that both of our freezers were almost full, AND I wasn’t up to speed with all that I had in them.

, Inventory List for Freezer, Joyful HomemakingChest freezers don’t make it easy to see what all’s inside.  Even with baskets, things are all stacked on top of each other. So I decided to make an inventory list, so I could see at a glance, what I already had.

Freezer Inventory Printable

, Inventory List for Freezer, Joyful Homemaking

I created a simple freezer inventory printable, which you are welcome to print out.
I went through my chest freezer and filled out my list, and now I know at a glance what I have on hand.
You can keep it on your freezer, or wherever is convenient, to keep tabs on what is coming and going from the freezer.






  1. I needed this list because I had the same problem last week. We have ALOT of bread in our deep freezer!

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