Happy Monday! Sometimes the weekend can get so hectic, I’m actually glad when Monday does come, and we can settle back into more of a routine.
Craving greenery around here, so here is a picture from July in West Virginia.

, Menu Plan for the Week of February 20th, Joyful Homemaking

Ok, on to the menu plan… It’s a pretty simple menu this week as I’d like to use up some of the items I have on hand.

Breakfast Options:
(Any combination of the following)
French toast
Egg whites and spinach (hubby’s choice)
English muffins
Baked oatmeal

Lunch Options:
(We like to add fruit and/or carrots to any of these “entrees”)
Pasta  (my kids love it)
Macaroni and cheese
Vegetarian corn dogs
Vegetarian hamburgers
Hot dogs
Chicken, turkey or ham sandwiches
Graham crackers and milk
English muffins
Peanut butter and fluff sandwiches
Whole wheat toast
Yogurt or cheese sticks, crackers
Leftovers from dinner


, Menu Plan for the Week of February 20th, Joyful Homemaking

Pizza Bread Salad
Grocery list: lettuce, pepperoni, mozzarella cheese, breadsticks, tomatoes, Italian dressing, basil

, Menu Plan for the Week of February 20th, Joyful Homemaking

Tex-Mex Bake and Cornbread
This is so good! I made it when we had my parents over for dinner, and they liked it so much, they served it when they had company. Fresh tomatoes on top and taco sauce was a nice addition.
Grocery list: rigatoni pasta, ground turkey or beef, onion, corn, black beans, salsa, cottage cheese, egg, taco seasoning, cilantro, cumin, Monterrey Jack cheese and cornbread fixings

, Menu Plan for the Week of February 20th, Joyful Homemaking

Chicken noodle soup and the best  Light rolls
Grocery list: I start with canned soup, and then doctor it up with extra chicken, broth and vegetables; light roll ingredients-flour, yeast, eggs….

, Menu Plan for the Week of February 20th, Joyful Homemaking
 Hebrew National hot dogs, fruit and carrot sticks
, Menu Plan for the Week of February 20th, Joyful Homemaking
Turkey burgers, baked beans, carrots and spinach salad
Grocery list:  Turkey burgers, buns, carrots, spinach and baked beans
, Menu Plan for the Week of February 20th, Joyful Homemaking
Grocery list: Tortillas, meat, taco rice, black beans, cheddar cheese, sour cream, tomatoes, lettuce, taco sauce, ranch dressing
Have a great week!
, Menu Plan for the Week of February 20th, Joyful Homemaking


  1. The pizza bread salad is such an interesting dish and sounds yummy! I found you through Organizing Junkie and I totally agree with your grocery shopping method. I like to plan my meals with fresh produce and lean meats to get the most nutrition. I have a site, http://www.coupon-kitchen.com where I base my meals plans around the produce and meat on sale. I may spend more than your average couponer but I feel like I’m getting the most out of my money!

  2. I thought it was funny that you listed vegetarian corndogs and hamburgers….then hot dogs. It made me feel better about our usual lunch choices.

  3. Great menu! The pizza salad looks interesting. 🙂 I will have to try that for sure. Thanks for linking up at Family Time Tuesday!

  4. Thanks for the menu ideas. I am a soon to be stay-at-home mom and your blog has so many ideas for planning. And I will be using paper plates to help cut down on dishes!

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