Welcome to the Think Tank Thursday party!
This is a party with my real life sister, Carrie, from…

, Welcome to “Think Tank Thursday” #119, Joyful HomemakingWe want our link up to be a place to share,
and be inspired, and when you link up here,
it also shows up on Saving 4 Six, so you get twice the exposure.
Plus, we each choose different features so it doubles
your chances of getting featured!
We are thankful that you take the time to stop by and share with us!

, Welcome to “Think Tank Thursday” #119, Joyful HomemakingSince Valentine’s Day is this week, try making these scrumptious and easy semi-homemade chocolate covered caramels. They go ridiculously fast around my house! It’s also so easy and fun to use silicone molds and make up some adorable edibles for your loved ones.  The whole family enjoyed these little Lego people!  Happy Valentine’s Day!

Here are a few favorites from last week:

, Welcome to “Think Tank Thursday” #119, Joyful Homemaking

Caramel Pecan Knots by Shibley Smiles
These look easy and yet scrumptious!
101 Things to Do With Your Kids When It’s Cold Outside by Intoxicated on Life
I like the toilet paper outfits idea!

, Welcome to “Think Tank Thursday” #119, Joyful Homemaking

Why Silliness is Key to a Great Marriage from Our Peaceful Planet
Humor sure helps sometimes, and I agree with her too,
that it should never be hurtful!

(I have some plastic grotesque teeth that I’ll wear and cuddle up next to my husband with, and smile lovingly at him…)

Free Printable Minecraft Valentine’s Day Cards from A Grande Life
If you know some Minecraft fans, these would be perfect!

, Welcome to “Think Tank Thursday” #119, Joyful Homemaking

Hand Mirror Starts a Fire or
(How my mom almost accidentally burned her house down)
from Growing in Grace
Who would have thought!

Thank you for sharing. Grab a featured button if you like!

, Welcome to “Think Tank Thursday” #119, Joyful Homemaking

Ok, on to this week’s party. Feel free to link up anything
family friendly that you’ve made.
Please no Etsy shops, giveaways or advertisements.
A link back to one or both of our sites would be appreciated,
either with a text link or blog button.
Grab a button and let’s get started.

, Welcome to “Think Tank Thursday” #119, Joyful Homemaking

We look forward to featuring a few favorites each week,
and remember that by submitting a link, you are allowing us
authorization to feature your fabulous work. We will always provide
a photo and link back to the original post.


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