My mom has been treating us to wonderful pepperoni pizza crescent roll ups for a while now, and they get devoured faster than you can say “pizza!”  Since I have been dieting to lose some weight before my oldest son’s wedding this summer, I have been counting every calorie.  I’ve tried several different “diets,” and the only thing that I seem to stick with, is counting my calories.  That way I can still eat the foods I love, without giving up carbs or some other whole food group.  However, I do try to lower the calories and sometimes fat, by making substitutions in my recipes.

, Lower Fat Pepperoni Pizza Crescent Roll Ups, Joyful HomemakingI’ve lost 11 pounds since the beginning of the year, but still have a ways to go.  I keep telling myself “slow and steady wins the race,” and I’m taking the time to form new habits along the way.  I’ve been using an app to calculate the calories for my dinner recipes, and then a food scale to weigh my portions.  It sounds tedious, but it really hasn’t been!  My exercise consists of basketball in the afternoons with my 10 year old son.  😛

This recipe came from my mom at Growing in Grace, but I changed the key ingredients to lower fat products, and used much less butter on the tops, and you know what…they were still scrumptious!

, Lower Fat Pepperoni Pizza Crescent Roll Ups, Joyful Homemaking


  • 5 ounce package reduced fat turkey pepperoni
  • 8 ounce tube reduced fat crescent rolls
  • 4 “light” mozzarella cheese sticks
  • 1 Tablespoon butter
  • 1 teaspoon Italian seasoning
  • 1/2 teaspoon garlic powder
  • Optional:  Parmesan cheese to sprinkle on tops
  • Optional:  Marinara sauce for dipping


  1. Unroll your crescent rolls on a lightly greased baking sheet.
  2. Lay 5 or 6 pieces of pepperoni at the wide end, and then top the pepperoni with half of a cheese stick.

, Lower Fat Pepperoni Pizza Crescent Roll Ups, Joyful Homemaking

  • Starting at the widest side with all the toppings, roll the crescent roll as you tuck in the ingredients.  Make sure the tail of the crescent is pushed into the dough so it doesn’t come unrolled while it’s baking.
  • Now melt your butter, and then add the Italian seasoning and garlic powder to the butter, and stir.  Using a pastry brush, brush the tops of the rolls with the mixture.  If you like, sprinkle on some Parmesan cheese as well., Lower Fat Pepperoni Pizza Crescent Roll Ups, Joyful Homemaking
  • Bake in a preheated 350 degree oven for around 15 minutes.   I estimated each one to have around 160 calories.  That didn’t include marinara sauce for dipping.
    , Lower Fat Pepperoni Pizza Crescent Roll Ups, Joyful Homemaking

    Lower Fat Pepperoni Pizza Crescent Roll Ups

    If you need a quick snack or meal on the go these pepperoni pizza crescent rollups will fit the bill! Add some carrots sticks along with these and you're pretty much good to go!
    Prep Time 10 minutes
    Cook Time 10 minutes
    Total Time 20 minutes
    Serving Size 8


    • 5 ounce package turkey pepperoni 70% reduced fat
    • 8 ounce tube reduced fat crescent rolls
    • 4 “light” mozzarella cheese sticks
    • 1 Tablespoon butter
    • 1 teaspoon Italian seasoning
    • 1/2 teaspoon garlic powder
    • Optional: Parmesan cheese to sprinkle on tops
    • Optional: Marinara sauce for dipping


    • Unroll your crescent rolls on a lightly greased baking sheet.
    • Lay 5 or 6 pieces of pepperoni at the wide side end, and then top with each with half of a cheese stick.
    • Starting at the widest side with all the toppings, roll the crescent roll as you tuck in the ingredients. Make sure the tail of the crescent is pushed into the dough so it doesn’t come unrolled while it’s baking.
    • Now melt your butter, and then add the Italian seasoning, garlic powder to the butter and stir. Using a pastry brush, brush the tops of the rolls with the mixture. If you like, sprinkle on some Parmesan cheese as well.
    • Bake in a preheated 350 degree oven for around 15 minutes till golden and baked all the way through.

    , Lower Fat Pepperoni Pizza Crescent Roll Ups, Joyful HomemakingThese are so quick and delicious, and perfect for when you’re in the mood for pizza, but don’t have a lot of time to make it!

    , Lower Fat Pepperoni Pizza Crescent Roll Ups, Joyful HomemakingHere are some other delicious pizza related recipes you might like to try out!  🙂

    , Lower Fat Pepperoni Pizza Crescent Roll Ups, Joyful HomemakingEasy Peasy Pizza Grilled Cheese Sandwich

    , Lower Fat Pepperoni Pizza Crescent Roll Ups, Joyful HomemakingOur family’s Favorite Pizza Dough and Stromboli Recipe

    , Lower Fat Pepperoni Pizza Crescent Roll Ups, Joyful HomemakingSimple but yummy Pizza Bread Salad

    , Lower Fat Pepperoni Pizza Crescent Roll Ups, Joyful HomemakingWonderful Taco Pizza


  1. What a great idea! So easy and my kids will love them. I was thinking about doing these on Saturday for pizza night! Thanks for the easy recipe!

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